IELTS Guide Cover - Achieve Band 7+ with Proven Strategies and Study Plan

How to Get Band 7 + in IELTS: A Comprehensive IELTS Guide

How to get Band 7+ in IELTS is a much-searched query on the web. The IELTS is a globally recognized language proficiency exam that assesses your ability to communicate in English. Whether you are planning to study, work, or immigrate to an English-speaking country, achieving a Band 7 or higher in IELTS can be a significant milestone. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the IELTS exam, the criteria for scoring a Band 7 or higher, and provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you attain your target score.

What is IELTS?

IELTS, which stands for the “International English Language Testing System,” is a globally recognized standardized test designed to assess the English language proficiency of individuals who are non-native speakers of English. The IELTS test is widely used for various purposes, including immigration, academic admission, and employment in English-speaking countries. It is one of the most popular English language proficiency tests in the world.

Types of IELTS Test

There are two main types of IELTS tests:

  1. Academic IELTS (IELTS Academic): This version is designed for individuals who want to study in an English-speaking country or seek professional registration in fields like medicine or engineering. Academic IELTS assesses the test-taker’s readiness for academic study in English.
  2. General Training IELTS (IELTS General): This version is intended for individuals planning to work, train, or study at a non-academic level in English-speaking countries. It is also used for immigration purposes in some cases.

The choice between Academic and General Training IELTS depends on the test-taker’s specific goals and the requirements of the institution or organization they are applying to.

Understanding the IELTS Exam

Before diving into exam strategies, let’s first understand the format and structure of the IELTS exam. The test consists of four main sections:

  1. Listening: This section evaluates your listening skills. You’ll listen to a range of accents and answer questions based on what you hear.
  2. Reading: In the reading section, you’ll be required to read and answer questions about a series of texts. The texts can vary from descriptive and factual to argumentative and discursive.
  3. Writing: The writing section includes two tasks. Task 1 typically involves describing visual information (graphs, charts, tables, etc.), while Task 2 requires writing an essay in response to a question or statement.
  4. Speaking: In the speaking section, you’ll engage in a one-on-one interview with an examiner. This interview consists of three parts: an introduction, a long-turn section, and a discussion.

How to Get Ready for IELTS?

Now, let’s explore specific strategies for each section.

IELTS Listening

Tips for the Listening Section

  1. Practice Active Listening: In daily life, pay close attention to spoken English, whether it’s in movies, podcasts, or conversations. This will enhance your listening skills.
  2. Know the Question Types: Familiarize yourself with the various question types in the listening section, such as multiple choice, sentence completion, and note completion. Understand the specific skills required for each.
  3. Read the Questions: Skim through the questions before you start listening to the audio. This will give you an idea of what to focus on.
  4. Predict Answers: While listening, try to predict the answers. This can make it easier to identify the correct responses.
  5. Take Notes: You’ll have the opportunity to take notes during the listening. Use this to jot down keywords and essential information.
  6. Practice Timed Tests: Take practice tests under timed conditions. This will help you get used to the pace and pressure of the real exam.

Recommended Resources for Listening

  • Official IELTS Practice Materials: These materials, available on the official IELTS website, include practice tests and audio recordings.
  • IELTS Liz YouTube Channel: Liz provides valuable tips and practice exercises to help you improve your listening skills.
  • Cambridge IELTS Books: The Cambridge series of IELTS books offers authentic practice materials and are widely recognized for their quality.

IELTS Reading

Tips for the Reading Section

  1. Skim and Scan: Practice the skills of skimming (quickly reading to get the main idea) and scanning (searching for specific information) to save time.
  2. Vocabulary Building: Improve your vocabulary to understand complex texts. Learn to identify synonyms and paraphrased expressions.
  3. Practice Different Text Types: IELTS includes various text types, such as academic articles, advertisements, and opinion pieces. Practice reading a variety of texts.
  4. Identify Keywords: Look for keywords in questions and texts that will help you locate the answers.
  5. Manage Your Time: In the reading section, time management is crucial. Allocate enough time for each passage and be prepared to move on if you’re stuck.

Recommended Resources for Reading

  • Official IELTS Practice Materials: These materials include sample reading tests and answer keys.
  • IELTS Simon’s E-book: Simon’s e-book is a valuable resource for improving your reading skills. It provides strategies and practice exercises.
  • Barron’s IELTS Book: Barron’s IELTS book is known for its comprehensive approach to reading, offering a wide range of practice materials.

IELTS Writing

Tips for the Writing Section

  1. Understand the Task: For Task 1 (report writing), practice interpreting and summarizing visual data accurately. For Task 2 (essay writing), understand the question and plan your response.
  2. Develop a Clear Structure: Organize your essays with a clear introduction, body paragraphs with supporting details, and a concise conclusion.
  3. Use Formal Language: The writing section requires a formal tone. Avoid slang or overly casual language.
  4. Grammar and Vocabulary: Pay attention to your grammar and vocabulary. Avoid repetitive phrases, and aim to use a range of vocabulary.
  5. Edit and Proofread: Allocate time to review and edit your essays for errors.

Recommended Resources for Writing

  • IELTS Liz Website: Liz provides detailed lessons, sample essays, and tips for both Task 1 and Task 2.
  • Official IELTS Practice Materials: These materials include writing tasks with sample answers for reference.
  • “Target Band 7” by Simone Braverman: This book offers writing tips and practice exercises to help you achieve a Band 7 or higher.

IELTS Speaking

Tips for the Speaking Section

  1. Practice Speaking Regularly: Engage in English conversations with native speakers or fellow test takers. Practising speaking will boost your confidence.
  2. Pronunciation and Intonation: Work on clear pronunciation and appropriate intonation. Make sure you are easily understood.
  3. Answer the Question: Listen carefully to the examiner’s questions and provide direct, relevant answers. Elaborate on your responses.
  4. Vocabulary and Fluency: Use a variety of vocabulary and aim for fluency in your responses.
  5. Stay Calm and Confident: Nervousness is normal, but try to stay calm and confident during the speaking test. Practice deep breathing to help with anxiety.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While striving for a Band 7+ in IELTS, it’s essential to be aware of common pitfalls that can hinder your performance. Avoid these pitfalls to improve your chances of success:

  • Lack of Time Management: Time management is crucial in all sections of the IELTS exam. Practice managing your time effectively during your preparation to ensure you can complete each section within the allocated time.
  • Inadequate Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary is essential, especially in the Reading and Writing sections. Expand your vocabulary and practice using it in context.
  • Misinterpreting Questions: Misunderstanding the questions can lead to incorrect answers. Pay close attention to the wording of the questions and ensure you’re addressing what’s asked.
  • Neglecting Fluency in Speaking: The Speaking section not only assesses your vocabulary and grammar but also your fluency and pronunciation. Don’t rush through your answers; speak clearly and confidently.
  • Skipping Proofreading: In the Writing section, always leave time for proofreading. Spelling and grammar mistakes can impact your score.

Additional Resources and Preparation Tips

  • IELTS Preparation Courses: Consider enrolling in an IELTS preparation course offered by reputable language schools, online platforms, or test centers. These courses provide structured guidance and practice materials.
  • Official IELTS Practice Materials: The British Council, IDP, and Cambridge offer official IELTS practice materials, including sample test papers, books, and online resources. These are invaluable for test practice.
  • Online Forums and Study Groups: Join online forums or study groups where IELTS test-takers discuss their experiences and share tips. These communities can be a valuable source of advice and support.
  • Mocks and Simulated Tests: Take full-length IELTS practice tests under simulated exam conditions to familiarize yourself with the actual testing environment.
  • IELTS App: Use the official IELTS app, which provides free practice materials, sample questions, and tips for all sections of the test.
  • IELTS Writing Evaluation: Consider having your writing tasks evaluated by a qualified IELTS tutor. Their feedback can help you identify areas for improvement.

How to Get Band 7+ in IELTS

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the IELTS test, let’s dive into the strategies and tips to help you achieve a Band 7 or higher:

1. Understand the Band Descriptors

The first step to scoring a Band 7 or higher is understanding what each band represents. The IELTS Band Descriptors outline the specific skills and criteria that examiners use to assess your performance in each section. Review these descriptors for each section to know what is expected of you.

2. Practice Regularly

Practice is the key to success in IELTS. Start with official IELTS practice materials and sample tests. Regular practice will help you become familiar with the test format, improve your time management, and identify your weaknesses.

3. Improve Your Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary is crucial for the reading and writing sections. Read widely in English and keep a vocabulary journal to record and revise new words. You can also use language-learning apps and flashcards to expand your vocabulary, or you can watch YouTube.

4. Develop Strong Reading Skills

The reading section is challenging, as you need to read and comprehend various types of texts. Practice skimming and scanning techniques to quickly locate information in the text. Don’t spend too much time on a single question; if you’re unsure, move on and come back to it later.

5. Work on Your Listening Skills

Listening comprehension is a critical skill for the IELTS test. Listen to a variety of English accents, including British, American, Australian, and Canadian. Practice listening to different types of audio, such as news broadcasts, podcasts, and interviews, to improve your listening skills.

6. Enhance Your Writing

For the writing section, practice writing essays and reports on various topics. Pay attention to sentence structure, coherence, and the logical development of ideas. Make sure you fully address the task and support your points with examples and evidence.

7. Focus on Time Management

Time management is crucial for all sections of the test. Allocate a specific amount of time for each section and practice under timed conditions. This will help you pace yourself and ensure you complete all questions or tasks within the allotted time.

8. Speak Clearly and Fluently

In the speaking section, speak clearly and fluently. Practice speaking English with a tutor or language partner. Focus on your pronunciation and accent, and aim to express your ideas coherently.

9. Take Mock Tests

Regularly take full-length mock tests to simulate the test-day experience. Mock tests will help you build stamina and reduce test anxiety. Review your performance in mock tests to identify areas that need improvement.

10. Get Feedback

Seek feedback on your speaking and writing from teachers, tutors, or language partners. Constructive feedback can help you identify and rectify errors in your English usage.

11. Time Management on Test Day

On test day, manage your time wisely. Don’t spend too much time on any single question or task. If you’re stuck, move on to the next one and return to it later if time allows.

12. Stay Calm and Confident

Maintain your composure during the test. Nervousness can affect your performance. Take deep breaths, stay positive, and concentrate on each question or task.

13. Register for the Test Well in Advance

Make sure you register for the IELTS test well in advance of your desired test date. Ensure that you have all the necessary identification and materials ready for test day.

14. Understand the Test Center Rules

Familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of the test centre. Be aware of what you can and cannot bring into the test centre, and follow all instructions provided by the test centre staff.

15. Review and Reflect

After taking the test, review your performance. What went well, and where did you face challenges? Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses to help you improve for future attempts.


How to get Band 7+ in IELTS will be realized by making efforts. Achieving a Band 7+ in IELTS is an attainable goal with the right preparation and strategies. Remember that consistent practice and a structured approach to studying are key to success. Whether you’re aiming to study abroad, work in an English-speaking country, or immigrate, a strong IELTS score will undoubtedly enhance your opportunities. With dedication and the tips outlined in this comprehensive IELTS guide, you can confidently work towards your Band 7+ goal. Good luck with your IELTS journey! Good luck!

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